Explore Topics in Well Control
U-Tube Drilling Concept: Explains the concept of U-Tube and provides the basic understanding as it affects the well control principles.
Overburden, Pore Pressure, and Fracture Gradient - Develop a clear understanding of concepts of porosity, overburden, formation, and fracture pressures. Also includes fracture gradient models, mitigating lost returns along with a preliminary discussion on casing seat selection and design factors.
Understanding MAASP: MAASP or Maximum Allowable Annular Surface Pressure is an important parameter while killing the well.
Hard Shut-in: Hard shut-in is a procedure for closing a well in preparation for well killing.
Drillers Method (First Circulation): Drillers method of well control is a two circulation method. Let's learn concepts and pressure variations in the first circulation.
Drillers Method through Simulator: Learn well killing using Drillers Method and visualize through well control simulator.
Wait and Weight Method through Simulator: Learn well killing using Wait and Weight Method and visualize through well control simulator
Tool Box
Influx during MPD operations - IOGP